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Holly Van Hart in the news | American Artist | Huffington Post | ABC | Stanford Magazine | Professional Artist Magazine | Silicon Valley TV | Best of Houzz

“Powerful in its message of human connectivity.
– Preston Metcalf, Chief Curator of the Triton Museum of Art

Van Hart’s naturalistic yet symbolic paintings present their enigmatic subjects with both beauty and conviction, memorably.
– DeWitt Cheng, Writer for ARTnews

Press Kit

Professional Artist Magazine, featuring paintings by Holly Van Hart in article by Elaine Grogran Luttrull
Featured in Professional Artist Magazine article by Elaine Grogran Luttrull

“Holly Van Hart knows the unique value she adds to the world. She creates abstract nature paintings that spark new excitement about life’s possibilities.”  


Professional Artist Magazine, featuring paintings by Holly Van Hart in article by Elaine Grogran Luttrull

Interview by John Seed of artist Holly Van HartArtist Holly Van Hart featured in The Huffington Post - Triton Museum of Art solo show – Huffington Post
“Artist Holly Van Hart is a committed optimist. Her work expounds on the idea that finding serenity in the face of life’s trials and turmoil is a matter of staying alert to possibility and open to change.”  

Solo exhibition at Stanford University | Artist Holly Van HartArticle by DeWitt Cheng, Writer for ARTnews, Curator for Holly Van Hart’s solo exhibition at Stanford University.

Excerpt – “. . . while Van Hart shares simplified forms with Léger, Mondrian and others, her colorful exuberance suggests growth and metamorphosis rather than straitlaced, sober common sense. The dynamic, dancing shapes and carefully harmonized palettes . . . suggest contemporary versions of the vibrant, vital flower paintings of the Dutch Golden Age.”

Denver Life October 2019 - painting by Holly Van Hart over fireplace - CopyDenver Life Magazine (Cover)
Every Restless Night, mixed media painting by Holly Van Hart (over fireplace), as featured in Denver Life Magazine and the prestigious 2019 Designer Showhouse.  Read about it here.

Artwork: Tree painting featured on the cover of The Monthly | Forest Reverie by artist Holly Van HartThe Monthly (Cover)
“ Van Hart’s work explores her fascination with the idea of the limitless opportunities in life. ”  Read full issue here.

Los Altos Town Crier

Arts Recognition Award from the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution in the Los Altos Town Crier.
“The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently gave Holly Van Hart the Women in the Arts Recognition Award. ”  

Juno Szalay, Holly Van Hart, Donna Michelle - DAR (Custom)

Conveying Our Deepest Emotions – Article by Holly Van HartArticle by Holly Van Hart in Outdoor Painter magazine in Outdoor Painter Magazine
“A great painting conveys an artist’s deepest emotions. When we encounter a masterpiece, it stirs up something primal that causes us to stop, stare, pause, wonder, think, and most importantly, feel. To make paintings of this caliber, . . . ”  

Artist Holly Van Hart - Cover Story - Saratoga Spotlight - Art with Heart

Holly Van Hart: Art with Heart (cover)  – Saratoga Spotlight
“Holly celebrated multiple accomplishments . . . in addition to Best of Houzz, she was also awarded with the Clark Hulings Fund Fellowship for Visual Artists”  

Holly Van Hart ExhibitArtist Holly Van Hart exhibits in Beverly Hills and Taiwan – The Mercury News
“Beverly Hills, Taiwan next on local artist’s exhibit list”  

Painter of abstract trees and forests, artist Holly Van Hart, dressed up for Anne & Mark's art party


Holly Van Hart interviewed by Jason Horejs of Red Dot Blog
Learn how Holly developed her painting style, and where she finds inspiration

Thriving Artist Podcast host Daniel DiGriz interviews Holly Van Hart

Holly Van Hart interviewed by Daniel DiGriz of The Thriving Artist Podcast
Interview topic: Art business strategy

Silicon Valley artist Holly Van Hart selected for Clark Hulings Fund fellowship


Holly Van Hart selected as artist fellow for The Clark Hulings Fund Business Accelerator Program
The Clark Hulings Fund for Visual Artists, the acclaimed national nonprofit organization, has chosen twenty artist fellows for its Business Accelerator Program, including Holly Van Hart.

Holly Van Hart teaches art to Los Gatos students. Photograph by George Sakkestad. Van Meter Elementary School kindergarten students Sean Hayden, left, Marlowe Chen, and Maya Duran talk to Saratoga artist Holly Van Hart after one of her painting lessons at the school. Van Hart is scheduled to teach painting at Blossom Hill, Lexington and Daves Avenue elementaries over the next few weeks.  

Holly Van Hart teaching Los Gatos students about the use of color in art. Photograph by George Sakkestad.

Artist Holly Van Hart was invited by the Art Docents of Los Gatos to teach their elementary school students about the use of color and art.  Read Mercury News article by Judy Peterson here.

TV interview of Artist Holly Van Hart – Silicon Valley Tech, Art, Green & Sustainability program
Holly answers questions about her life, passions & career as an artist

Artist Holly Van Hart in her studio, photo by Daniel Garcia of Content Magazine

Interviewed in San Jose Creatives.
Photos by Daniel Garcia.

Holly Van Hart interviewed by Shannon Amidon of San Jose Creatives  Learn about Holly Van Hart’s biggest challenge as an artist, and what a typical workday is like.

Interview of artist Holly Van HartTheCommissioned - Article about artist Holly Van Hart by June Young,
Learn what inspires artist Holly Van Hart, and how she defines success.

Featured on the cover – Holly Van Hart and Silicon Valley Open StudiosMercury News - Artist Holly Van Hart by Shannon Burkey, Saratoga News/Mercury News
Get a close-up look at art during Silicon Valley Open Studios weekend, featuring artists Holly Van Hart, David Head, Colleen Arakaki, Eric Bodtker, and Denise Howard.

Podcast Interview of Holly Van Hart by Amado Carillo, Northern California Exposure (16 min) –

      Holly Van Hart - Artist - Podcast Interview by NorCalExpo Amado Carillo


Santa Clara Weekly ArticleSanta-Clara-Weekly-Holly Van Hart, artist by Melissa McKenzie
Donations of artwork to the Triton Museum’s gala and auction were made by dozens of artists, including Holly Van Hart, Kathryn Arnold, Ron Dell’Aquila, and more.

Examiner - Holly Van Hart, artistHolly Van Hart featured in Weekly Museum Column by Nancy Ewart, Examiner
“(Van Hart’s) larger-than-life paintings of eggs and loops of material reminiscent of DNA coils remind us that possibilities lie unexplored within all of us.”

Mercury News - Artist Holly Van HartSaratoga artist Holly Van Hart has new exhibit at Triton Museum in Santa Clara, by Khalida Sarwari, Mercury News
“From now through Valentine’s Day, Saratoga artist Holly Van Hart will prove just why she deserved to win first place last year in the Triton Museum of Art’s 2013 statewide painting competition with her very first solo exhibition in a museum.”

Santa-Clara-Weekly-Holly Van Hart, artistArticle by Melissa McKenzie, Santa Clara Weekly
“With Holly Van Hart’s new show, Possibilities Abound, she has seen her paintings resonate with a larger audience and learned more about herself as an artist. . . ” Logo-with-URL“Triton Museum of Art Features Work by Saratoga Artist” by Susan Schena
“Holly Van Hart is showing her new series “Possibilities Abound” in a solo exhibition at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara. In this series, larger-than-life birds’ eggs and nests are used to symbolize the promise of our own capabilities, to be nurtured and explored and stretched to their fullest potential.”

Museum catalog for Solo Exhibition, Holly Van Hart: Possibilities Abound, Triton Museum of Art

Includes essays by Preston Metcalf, Chief Curator of the Triton Museum of Art, and DeWitt Cheng, Art writer for Art Ltd, Artillery, ARTnews, and Visual Art Source.

“It is work that is powerful in its simplicity and message of human connectivity.” – Preston Metcalf, Chief Curator of the Triton Museum of Art. View Preston Metcalf’s full essay here

“Van Hart’s hard-won painterly skills are undeniable and compelling. Her naturalistic yet symbolic paintings . . . present their enigmatic subjects with both beauty and conviction, memorably. – DeWitt Cheng, Art writer for Art Ltd, Artillery, ARTnews, and Visual Art Source. View DeWitt Cheng’s full essay here

Silicon Valley artist Holly Van Hart shows at the Triton Museum of ArtPossibilities Abound for Artist Holly Van Hart, Santa Clara Weekly
“Van Hart, a New York native, Stanford engineering graduate and former sales and marketing director, left behind the hustle and bustle of the Silicon Valley tech trade last year to focus on her passion – painting – and the gamble paid off.”

Portrait of an Artist – Holly Van Hart, Silicon Valley Open Studios
“Holly Van Hart’s latest painting series is all about possibilities. So is her life.  She is passionate about the possibilities and potential within each one of us. She is a walking example of her belief that we all have the power within us to chase our passions.”

Painting Exhibit Planned at Artist’s Home Studio, Los Gatos Patch
“. . . while parents enjoy the art exhibit and studio tour in Saratoga, children’s art projects will be available to keep the young ones busy, and kids and adults can contribute some brushstrokes to a community-created abstract painting.”

Painting Exhibit To Benefit Global Fund for Children, Global Fund for Children
“An art exhibit in the home studio of Silicon Valley artist Holly Van Hart will benefit the world’s most vulnerable children. “

Artist Holly Van Hart interviewed on Silicon Valley ‘Talk Art’ TV
Holly answers the question “What inspires you?”, talks about her solo exhibit at the Triton Museum of Art, and does an oil painting demonstration

Mercury News - Artist Holly Van HartChampion Saratoga Artist, Painting Without Pause, The Mercury News
“. . . Van Hart’s painting, depicting a nest cradling 3 eggs, was tops among 92 works that were ultimately selected for exhibition from more than 1,000 entries”

      KTYM Los Angeles Live Radio - Holly Van Hart Interview with Wildman Bill (6 min)

Saratoga Artist Takes First Place Saratoga News
“Eggs also signify self-invention, a concept that Van Hart applied in her personal life when she quit her job at Microsoft to pursue painting full time.”

West Valley Artist Wins Statewide Painting Competition Los Gatos Patch
“A nature painting by Saratoga artist Holly Van Hart recently snagged a first place award in the Statewide Painting Competition hosted by the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara.”


Holly Van Hart, as seen on –
ABC New, artist Holly Van Hart

CBS News features San Francisco artist Holly Van Hart

NBC News features tree paintings and floral paintings by San Francisco artist Holly Van Hart

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