What’s the best thing about being an artist?

Meet Diane F
Adventurer, Mom, Retired Sales Executive
A collector of my art, and now a friend
What’s the favorite part of your job? Whether you’re a banker, lawyer, stay-at-home parent, or an artist, we all have something we love most about our jobs.
The favorite part of my job is . . . you!
Really. The absolute best part of being an artist is that it gives me an excuse to get to know you better. I feel honored to know you, and to keep in touch with you.
(Plus, as you may have guessed, I love playing around with gorgeous, buttery oil paints all day long.)
So, today I’m featuring Diane F, a fascinating and accomplished woman, a collector of my art, and now a friend.
Here are some of the many things that are totally cool about Diane –
- As a sales exec in the electronics industry, Diane aimed to retire by the age of 45 and succeeded.
- Last year, Diane became a Mom of an amazingly adorable son.
- She holds a Masters degree in Computer Education
- While in college, Diane led a group of 50 teenagers on a bus tour across the US.
- As a world traveler and adventurer, she has (in her words) “seen half the world, and still has half to go”.
Diane recently remodeled her home, and commissioned me to make a painting for her spacious living room. In honor of Diane’s cool accomplishments, the painting is named ‘Dreams within Reach’.
Video – The making of Diane F’s custom painting
(Link to all videos on Holly’s YouTube video channel)
It’s a privilege to know you Diane!!!