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3 Still more 'leaves'. This is quite experimental, still not sure where it will land up at this stage . . .Want to be the first to see new paintings as they are released?Please sign up here

New abstract landscape painting, 'Following Your Fascinations'Want to see pics of paintings hanging in collectors' homes?Click here

Started a new painting. The colors changed a lot as the painting progressed.To see the latest available paintings, click here

Add the sky and started some trees.

This will be a new forest painting. Experimenting with using more yellow.

Oops, added too many trees in the distance!Posted here from Instagram.To see something new every day, follow me at

Love these colors, but decided they were screaming too loud and needed to be muted.Sign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get a free book!Details here

Adding leaves in the shadows, and adding shadows to the tree trunksSign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get a free book!Details here

My studio floor. I like the way the paint dripped and dried on the cement.Posted here from Instagram

From our garden! (The bougainvillea was being moved, so this branch needed to be cut.)

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Adventures in Autumn was just installed in a beautiful home in Scotts Valley, California.Sign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get a free book!Details here

Adventures in Autumn was just installed in a beautiful home in Scotts Valley, California.

Sign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get a free book!

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Done! Circling of the Seasons, 48 x 48 inch acrylic painting by HVHPosted here from Facebook!Friend me at and see something new every day

The finished painting inspired by my studio wall. What do you think . . .Want to see pics of paintings hanging in collectors' homes?Click here

Finished! Boundless Promise, 36 x 48 inch mixed media painting by HVH.Posted here from Facebook!Friend me at and see something new every day

Have you ever noticed how much yellow there is in springtime greenery Trying to get that gorgeous yellow green in the leaves.Posted here from Instagram

I hung up the painting to test whether it was done. Turns out I hated the way the path looked. Never fear! That’s what layers are for!

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Is it possible to make a forest painting without any tree trunks . . .

My paintings usually show abundance. It's a way to remind myself (and hopefully all viewers) that life abundant and full of possibilities!Posted here from Instagram.To see something new every day, follow me at

Paint splattering day! Quite a bit wound up on my face.Posted here from Facebook!Friend me at and see something new every day

Finishing touchesWant to see pics of paintings hanging in collectors’ homes?Click here

Something a little different today . . .

This is a little painting I made last week while sitting on the beach during spring break. It’s called Springing 9 x 12″ acrylic painting on canvas by HVH).

Posted here from Instagram

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