‘Possibilities Unfurling’

Possibilities Unfurling
30 x 40 inches
Oil, acrylic, silica sand, and silicon wafers on canvas
Purchase Info
Ever feel in the mood for something new & different? That’s how I felt while painting ‘Possibilities Unfurling’, first in a new series of abstract ribbon-esque paintings.
These ribbon-esques represent colorful nests that are woven together with ribbons and circles. These paintings highlight the promise of our own creativity and capabilities, to be nurtured and explored and stretched to their fullest potential.
Look closely and you’ll find areas of heavily textured paint. These textures are created with silicon wafers and silica sand, and represent creativity – creativity in its most universal sense, and also the technology innovation specific to Silicon Valley in northern California. (Silicon wafers are fabricated from silica sand, and are used to make computer chips.)
Silicon Valley, like the world itself, is alive with possibilities. And that will be the name of this new ribbon-esque series of paintings, ‘Alive with Possibilities’. See more here.
Request a catalog of available paintings: contact@hollyvanhart.com