With DeWitt Cheng at Stanford Art Spaces reception Art-writer and curator DeWitt Cheng (right) and Holly Van Hart (left), at Stanford Art Spaces reception. Great art from 6 amazing collage artists gave us lots to smile about. Check these out too With curator DeWitt Cheng before installing my solo show at Stanford University Posted here from Facebook! Friend me at www.facebook.com/hollyvanhart and see something new every day From our garden! (The bougainvillea was being moved, so this branch needed to be cut.)… I move the paintings up and down the wall depending on which part I’m painting on. (Please excuse the paint on my face. It seems to be an every day occurrence!) To see the latest available paintings, click here hollyvanhart.com/Available_Original_Paintings Add the sky and started some trees. Autumn Dreams painting Circling of the Seasons hanging in my living room (48 x 48" painting by HVH,… Thrilled to be among the 100,000 women, men & children in San Francisco who marched for women’s rights. There is strength in numbers! Blue trunksSign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get…
With curator DeWitt Cheng before installing my solo show at Stanford University Posted here from Facebook! Friend me at www.facebook.com/hollyvanhart and see something new every day
I move the paintings up and down the wall depending on which part I’m painting on. (Please excuse the paint on my face. It seems to be an every day occurrence!) To see the latest available paintings, click here hollyvanhart.com/Available_Original_Paintings
Thrilled to be among the 100,000 women, men & children in San Francisco who marched for women’s rights. There is strength in numbers! Blue trunksSign up for my fun, artsy newsletter (one email every 3 weeks) and get…