Oops, added too many trees in the distance!Posted here from Instagram.To see something new every day, follow me at https://www.instagram.com/hollyvanhart/
Check these out too

With curator DeWitt Cheng before installing my solo show at Stanford University
Posted here from Facebook! Friend me at www.facebook.com/hollyvanhart and see something new every day

Are there any paintings you would not sell? (Santa Clara Weekly article)
Friends often ask "Are there any paintings you would not sell?" Great question. Yes, there are…

I move the paintings up and down the wall depending on which part I’m painting on. (Please excuse the paint on my face. It seems to be an every day occurrence!)
To see the latest available paintings, click here hollyvanhart.com/Available_Original_Paintings

Thanks to everyone who visited my Open Studio this past weekend. Hope you had as much fun as I did!!
Posted here from Instagram! Follow me at www.instagram.com/hollyvanhart/ to see something new every day