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Mirada Fine Art Gallery (ongoing)

If you’re in the Denver area, please come see my latest paintings at Mirada Fine Art gallery.

I’m proud to be working with this prestigious gallery. It has been selected for many awards, including American Art Awards “Top 25 US Galleries”.

Click for details.

Directions & Hours


abstract tree paintings by Holly Van Hart showing at Mirada Fine Art in Colorado

Vibrations in Time (on wall, right)
Mixed media painting by Holly Van Hart
At Mirada Fine Art

Gallery Exhibitions

My work can be seen in ongoing exhibitions at these fine art galleries –  The Studio Shop, Mirada Fine Art, and JCO’s Art Haus.

These paintings (and more) can be viewed at the galleries –

Open Studio Event (ongoing)

Hello art lovers!

You’re invited! Please join me at my home gallery and studio in Tiburon, California for an ongoing art exhibition.

Dates:   By appointment  Email and let’s make a date.
Location:  Tiburon, California (near San Francisco)

More than twenty new abstract nature paintings are on display and for purchase – forests, fields, flowers, nests, landscapes and more.

Plus you’ll see some brand new experimental work that is only available in my studio.

Abstract-Nature-Paintings | Birch Aspen Trees Roses | Autumn Dance | Summer Sparkle | Amid The Scent of Roses-by-HollyVanHart | Installed paintings | Living Room | Oil and acrylic paintings

The Open Studio event includes a tour of my home gallery as well as my home studio.

Seeing art in person is the absolute best way to experience it. Please take this opportunity to visit!

Make an appointment and add it to your calendar today.  See you soon!


For news on upcoming open studio and gallery events, sign up for my mailing list. (One email every 2-3 weeks.)

Receive invitations to upcoming art shows

Sign up below, and you’ll be the first to know about upcoming art shows.

You’ll also get early access to new paintings and other special offers.

(One email every 2-3 weeks.)

To see past events, please check out Holly Van Hart’s resume/CV  (includes the most important career highlights such as solo shows, museum shows, awards, fellowships, and press, podcasts, and TV interviews.

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